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Choose a plumbing expert

Choose a plumbing expert

Whether you’re looking to sell your home or just want to spruce it up a bit, there are times in every remodeling project when you need to call in the experts. In the case of some kitchen and bathroom jobs, that means hiring a plumber. Getting the right person for the job can be a little tricky, but knowing what to ask for can make the process considerably easier on both your nerves and your wallet.

First, look at the overall job, and figure out exactly what you need the professional to do. Then, check with friends, family members, and co-workers to see who has a similar task to complete, and which plumbing company they’ve chosen to work with. If that doesn’t work, you can always check and call your local phone book until you find one to your liking.

Once you find a company or individual that meets your needs, ask them to quote you a price, to ensure that it is within your budget. If you have a specific set of instructions, such as which brands you prefer to use or what colors you want, provide that information along with details on where to find the items.

Also, make sure that if they have to remove any existing items, such as sinks or toilets, that the cost is included in the estimate they provide. For a large project, such as a complete bathroom renovation, you may want to consider paying for the plumbing fixtures (bathtubs, sinks, etc.), and ask the company to provide things like pipes, to keep costs reasonable.

If the estimate is acceptable, there are a few things to check before work begins. Find out how long the person or company has been in the plumbing business, and are they licensed and insured. Ask if they have any references you can talk to regarding their work; If so, find out if previous customers were happy with the job done, if there were any issues and how they were resolved, and if they would use this person or company again.

Also, make sure that the company you hire can provide someone with little notice, in case of an emergency. Most professionals should have a 24-hour emergency service of some kind.

Finally, after everything is checked, draw up a contract outlining what they have to do, how much it will cost, the types/brands of materials they will use during the project, when the work will start, and an estimated completion date.

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