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Types of building permits

Types of building permits

There are many building permits required when completing a major construction project. Whether it is a commercial or residential construction, the amount of paperwork to obtain the required building permits can cause a lot of tension and stress. This is why construction companies are turning to letting squatters handle this part of the project for them. Here is a list of some of the areas Expeditors Building Permits provides assistance with:

Residential Construction – Required for all residential constructions

Commercial Construction – Required for all commercial construction

Demolition – Required to demolish partial/or complete buildings

Electricity – Required for all electrical work

Elevator Installation – Required for all elevator installations

Excavation – Required prior to excavations (States that you must notify neighboring property owners 30 days in advance)

Plumbing – Needed to do any plumbing work

Ventilation and heating – Required to move or remove ventilation and heating units

Sign – Required to move or remove building signage

Scaffolding – Required to use any scaffolding during construction

This is by no means an exhaustive list of all building permits. Other types of projects that require permits are: attic and basement renovations, chimney replacements, conversion of a single-family home to multiple units, deck construction, driveway installations, garage and joint extensions, masonry projects, skylight construction, roofing projects, pool construction, as well as security alarm installation.

Because there are so many different types of permits, just knowing what you’ll need for a particular building project can be challenging in and of itself. When an accelerator is hired, it handles all the time-consuming paperwork and research, freeing up time and energy for the builder to focus on the project at hand. Permits usually take between twenty and sixty business days to review, so having an expediter work with you from the start is extremely important to making sure your project is completed on schedule.

Why are building permits necessary?
Forcing businesses and builders to apply for and abide by building permits is important for many reasons. Not only is it a great way to make money, but it also ensures the safe and ethical completion of construction projects. This is not only to ensure that the building itself does not collapse, but also to provide rules for protecting public health by regulating wastewater as well as other health hazards. Insurance companies rely heavily on these indicators as key indicators of project safety and reliability. Different insurance policies are put in place depending on when the building permits are updated.

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