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What is a Class A Contractor?

What is a Class A Contractor?

When choosing a contractor, contracting firm, or company to build a new home for you and your family, you want to make sure that you use someone who is at the top of the list. A first-rate general contractor is usually the way to go when choosing the contracting person.

A Class A licensed contractor is able to build, remodel, repair, and demolish any structure. To be able to obtain this license and obtain this title, there are certain requirements that these applicants must meet.

First, the contractor can have a bachelor’s degree in construction, engineering, or architecture from an accredited university in the field.

Secondly, the contractor can obtain certification from a nationally recognized testing institution. The person taking the test must show that they have extensive knowledge of the subject and are essentially an expert. There is a higher level test in which test takers must score at least 75%.

If you go this route to receive your license, you will likely need to take some courses beforehand to teach you the tricks of the trade. It is also essential that you have some work training experience before taking the exam as well.

Now the person with the certificate does not have to achieve these two things, but he has to achieve at least one of them. This indicates that they know the subject they are pursuing.

When you become certified as a licensed Class A contractor, the license holder must have photo ID and a contractor’s license to prove that they are indeed capable of holding that title.

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